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El otro enlace es solo para paises de la OECD (Club de los paises ricos) y en el no encontraran a paises como Argentina, Brasil y Mexico...
Abajo de este texto van las definiciones de las variables contenidas en ese enlace.
Recuerda que hay un enlace a la carpeta del curso, y ya dentro de el
hay subcarpetas donde puedes encontrar todo lo necesario para
trabajar. Te las enumero y pongo los enlaces. Un libro excelente para
el tema es el de John Ranke y Arthur Reitsch "Pronosticos en los
negocios" de Pearson y Cesar Perez "Econometria basica" de Pearson. El
primero esta en la biblioteca.

1) Enlace a carpeta de Curso de Politica economica I


2) Enlace a carpeta de Presentaciones


3) Enlace a carpeta de Lecturas en casaEn este ultimo enlace, tienen los documentos digitales de apoyo siguientes

Víctor Gómez y Pilar Bengoechea 2002 ESTIMACION DEL COMPONENTE CICLICO

Antonio Santillana y Ainhoa Herrarte sept-2008 Introducción al
análisis del ciclo económico

Especialmente el ultimo de de gran utilidad para la tarea, como se
indico en clases.
Reenvia este mensaje a quienes puedas por si estas indicaciones
consideras que le serían utiles.
Un saludo y deseandote un feliz y productivo fin de semana

Oscar Neira Cuadra

globePWT 6.3

Step 1. highlight the countries you are interested in and add them to the list on the right.  (help) Step 2. check the countries you've selected, remove the ones you don't need.  (help)

use shift/ctrl for multiple selections. details

countries are selected

Step 3. Select the variables that you are interested in.  (help)

   Please click on the underlined variables to see their definitions.

   Please note: in PWT, "real" means "PPP converted" instead of "in constant price".
  POPPopulation (in thousands)

Exchange Rates and PPPs over GDP
  XRATExchange Rate
  Currency_UnitNational Currency (Local Currency Unit)
  PPPPurchasing Power Parity over GDP

Current Price National Accounts at PPPs
  cgdpReal Gross Domestic Product per Capita, current price
  ccConsumption Share of Real Gross Domestic Product per Capita, current price
  cgGovernment Share of Real Gross Domestic Product per Capita, current price
  ciInvestment Share of Real Gross Domestic Product per Capita, current price
  pPrice Level of Gross Domestic Product
  pcPrice Level of Consumption
  pgPrice Level of Government
  piPrice Level of Investment
  opencOpenness in Current Prices
  cgnpRatio of GNP to GDP
  yReal Gross Domestic Product per Capita Relative to the United States (G-K method, current price)
  yEKSReal Gross Domestic Product per Capita Relative to the United States (EKS method, current price)
  yCPDWReal Gross Domestic Product per Capita Relative to the United States (weighted CPD method, current price)

Constant Price GDP per capita and Expenditure Shares
  rgdpl Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of c, g, i
  rgdpl2Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of domestic absorption
  rgdpchReal GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Chain series)
  rgdpttReal Gross Domestic Income (RGDPL adjusted for Terms of Trade changes)
  openkOpenness in Constant Prices
  kcConsumption Share of Real GDP per capita (RGDPL)
  kgGovernment Share of Real GDP per capita (RGDPL)
  kiInvestment Share of Real GDP per capita (RGDPL)

Constant Price Per Capita Measures by Unit of Consumption Or Unit of Labor
  rgdpeqa Real GDP Chain per equivalent adult
  rgdpwokReal GDP Chain per worker
  rgdpl2wokReal GDP Laspeyres2 per worker
  rgdpl2peReal GDP Laspeyres2 person engaged
  rgdpl2teReal GDP Laspeyres2 per person counted in total employment
  rgdpl2thReal GDP Laspeyres2 per hour worked by employees

Growth Rates Per Annum
  grgdpchgrowth rate of Real GDP Chain per capita (RGDPCH)
  grgdpl2growth rate of Real GDP Laspeyres2 per capita (RGDPL2)
Step 4. highlight the years you are interested in and add them to the list on the right.  (help) Step 5. check the years you've selected, remove the ones you don't need. (help)

use shift/ctrl for multiple selections. details

years are selected

Step 5. Select the output format.
Please cite our data as follows:
Alan Heston, Robert Summers and Bettina Aten, Penn World Table Version 6.3, Center for International Comparisons of Production, Income and Prices at the University of Pennsylvania, August 2009.

Copyright © 2009 Center for International Comparisons of Production, Income and Prices (CIC), University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.


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