Estos libros te ayudarán a utilizar la tecnología para aprender economía.
Están en inglés, pero no te preocupes para eso están los diccionarios.
Theory and Applications with EViews
Economists are regularly confronted with results of quantitative economics research. Econometrics: Theory and Applications with EViews provides a broad introduction to quantitative economic methods, for example how models arise, their underlying assumptions and how estimates of parameters or other economic quantities are computed. The author combines econometric theory with practice by demonstrating its use with the software package "EViews" through extensive use of screen shots. The emphasis is on understanding how to select the right method of analysis for a given situation, and how to actually apply the theoretical methodology correctly. The "EViews" software package is available from 'Quantitive Micro Software'. Written for any undergraduate or postgraduate course in Econometrics.
Download: Theory and Applications with EViews
Gracias a Bernardo por pedirme el pass.
Microeconomics using Excel: Integrating economic theory, policy analysis and spreadsheet modelling, by Kirschke/Jechli
Description : Using Microsoft Excel, the market leading spreadsheet package, this book combines theory with modelling aspects and spreadsheet analysis. Microeconomics Using Excel provides students with the tools with which to better understand microeconomic analysis. A new textbook, it focuses on solving microeconomic problems by integrating economic theory, policy analysis and spreadsheet modelling. This unique approach facilitates a more comprehensive understanding of the link between theory and problem solving.
It is divided into four core parts:
-analysis of price policies
-analysis of structural policies
-multi-market models
-budget policy and priority settings.
The theory behind each problem is explained and each model is solved using excel. Each model is also available on the accompanying CD and can be used as a prototype for analysis and specific needs. Microeconomics using Excel will be of great interest to students studying economics as well as to professionals in economic and policy analysis.
Download: Microeconomics using Excel: Integrating economic theory, policy analysis and spreadsheet modelling, by Kirschke/Jechli
Download: Microeconomics using Excel: Integrating economic theory, policy analysis and spreadsheet modelling, by Kirschke/Jechli
PASS: Ninguno
Att. Deybi Morales
Nota: Para uso educativo. Los libros fueron publicados y están colgados en web y servidores externos.
Están en inglés, pero no te preocupes para eso están los diccionarios.
Theory and Applications with EViews
Economists are regularly confronted with results of quantitative economics research. Econometrics: Theory and Applications with EViews provides a broad introduction to quantitative economic methods, for example how models arise, their underlying assumptions and how estimates of parameters or other economic quantities are computed. The author combines econometric theory with practice by demonstrating its use with the software package "EViews" through extensive use of screen shots. The emphasis is on understanding how to select the right method of analysis for a given situation, and how to actually apply the theoretical methodology correctly. The "EViews" software package is available from 'Quantitive Micro Software'. Written for any undergraduate or postgraduate course in Econometrics.
Download: Theory and Applications with EViews
Gracias a Bernardo por pedirme el pass.
Microeconomics using Excel: Integrating economic theory, policy analysis and spreadsheet modelling, by Kirschke/Jechli
Description : Using Microsoft Excel, the market leading spreadsheet package, this book combines theory with modelling aspects and spreadsheet analysis. Microeconomics Using Excel provides students with the tools with which to better understand microeconomic analysis. A new textbook, it focuses on solving microeconomic problems by integrating economic theory, policy analysis and spreadsheet modelling. This unique approach facilitates a more comprehensive understanding of the link between theory and problem solving.
It is divided into four core parts:
-analysis of price policies
-analysis of structural policies
-multi-market models
-budget policy and priority settings.
The theory behind each problem is explained and each model is solved using excel. Each model is also available on the accompanying CD and can be used as a prototype for analysis and specific needs. Microeconomics using Excel will be of great interest to students studying economics as well as to professionals in economic and policy analysis.
Download: Microeconomics using Excel: Integrating economic theory, policy analysis and spreadsheet modelling, by Kirschke/Jechli
Download: Microeconomics using Excel: Integrating economic theory, policy analysis and spreadsheet modelling, by Kirschke/Jechli
PASS: Ninguno
Att. Deybi Morales
Nota: Para uso educativo. Los libros fueron publicados y están colgados en web y servidores externos.
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